Christmas in Thailand
'm kind of liking the whole 'go with the flow' lifestyle. I have no plans from place to place I simply wander to places that peak my interest-learned from either online reading or talking to others about where they have traveled. I would leave Pai and head back to Chiang Mai for Xmas. There, they were planning a Christmas dinner and party complete with a white elephant gift exchange. As I loaded the scooter that morning I found it a challenge to get the pack strapped into the seat without it moving around a lot. Using nothing but the straps that are on the pack I lifted the scoot seat, buckled my packs hip belt, shimied it over the end of the seat eventually getting it snug against the seat so I could latch it down. Then I took the packs shoulder straps and tucked them under the plastic shrowd above the brake light. Then I latched the shoulder/chest strap and tightened it preventing the pack from sliding side to side. A few quick tugs on the pack confirmed this would do. Sw...