In Iowa, Christmas Trees are meant for shower decorations...😂😂😅😅😅
I have to start by saying.. I will likely NEVER act my age. I will forever be in my mid to upper 20's... and I will also be the first to say it!!! Adventure, riding, random roads, and the roads less traveled the better! You know how sometimes the least planned things are the most fun? My roomie was due to get her knee replaced, so naturally, on the LAST old knee weekend, it called for shenanigans! IF they are gonna take out a knee, might as well completely wreck it. So late Thursday night we were bs'ing about what she wanted to do for her last weekend of the old knee. My ideas were almost identical to hers - together our concrete list included: 1.) Going out of town somewhere 2.) Finding warm sunshine 3.) Riding the motorcycle (if a backrest was part of the deal) I texted a friend asking to use the backrest, she replied YES, and asked why. I gave her the rundown of our idea (VERY brief!) and she said she was IN! OK. That confirmed the three things on the list. But because...