
Showing posts from June, 2022

TN Motorcycle & Music Revival 2022!

 Tennessee Motorcycle Music Revival 2022  Stiffy and I met up after working a half day, to head south to Loretta Lynn's Ranch, in Hurricane Mills, TN for TMMR 2022. Our plan to get there was simple: Ride until we are too tired to keep going. We were in Clear Lake, IA when a couple of bikes came out of nowhere and were on our tail. They followed us off the next exit and that is when I caught a glimpse of a bedroll where a windshield usually is - the Boy and his cousin had caught up to us. As the sun started to set, the 4 of us rode for a few more hours before we split up. (Right after that, I hit 150,000 on my bike!!)  The boys stopped for the night (they had an extra 350 miles beyond where we come from) and we girls kept going. We made it just past St. Louis before deciding to stop and sleep a few (3) hours. Then, it was back on the road to the 3,500 acre Ranch, which would be our base camp for the weekend full of bike shows, races, motorcycle racing, big names in the mot...

1,650 miles, 4 States, in 56 hours…Must. Find. Sunshine!

 I don't know about you, but here in MN…spring has been MIA. It has been colder than usual, dreary, and soggy for weeks. My soul was dying a little each day I woke up to yet more clouds. Knowing I would have my 40 hours in by early Friday morning, late Thursday night, while grabbing a beverage between periods at the Wild hockey game, I decided I would take off and ride. To Arkansas. It’s an easy ride there, forecasted sunshine and warm temps, and no thought involved since it’s my fave place to ride. Naturally, Stiffy was IN for the challenge. After watching the winning hockey game in the first row on home ice, and getting home way late Thursday night…I packed the bike and dozed off for a few hours. It’s weird how quickly I dart out of bed for work when I know I get to leave early and ride!!! I met Stiffy in the south metro and off we went. We managed to dodge all the rain, only after putting on rain gear of course. What a debacle that first time putting on rain gear is! Add in mult...