
Showing posts from 2020

Goodbye 2020 ~ Hello 2021!!

Whether you were able to ride and/or travel a little or a lot, 2020 is a year we will not soon forget, for many reasons. I hope that you are able to find a silver lining from 2020 - even if just a sliver. As we roll into the ever awaited 2021, I hope that the new year brings many good things your way.  2020 - what a wild ride it has been! Even with CoVid taking over our nation, and the world, I managed to get over 25k miles on my new-to-me bike. I bought the bike in mid March with 9,334 miles on it and ended the riding season December 22, 2020 - with 34,891 miles. Considering the country wide restrictions that constantly changed state to state, it was a great, yet sometimes challenging, summer of riding. CoVid made finding places to stay a bit difficult, especially on the East Coast, as a lot of places were not accepting tent camping due to needing to use a shared restroom. I made due and when needed, made friends with the camp owners, and almost always managed to at least get a sh...

Whittaker Point, Arkansas: An amazing hike with a somewhat hazardous gravel road to get there!

 Whitaker Point, also called Hawksbill Crag, near Kingston, Arkansas, is the most photographed place in the state of Arkansas. To get to Whitaker Point, there is a 2.9 mile hike that takes roughly 2.5 hours including all the photos ops along the way. The road TO Whitaker Point is a 6 mile gravel road, unmaintained for the most part, with steep inclines, huge potholes, and switchback corners. I waivered a bit on whether or not 4 girls on motorcycles could make it TO the trailhead, but I can't lie, I was bound to do it this year - even if I had to walk/hitchhike to get there. I told the girls that they didn't have to follow me... But I knew they would because they also don't want to miss out on anything, especially a great hike with photo ops at the end!!!  We turned off of 21 onto gravel road #9560, which is straight. For roughly .25 miles. Then the road took a sharp right, followed by a sharp left and from then on, the road 100% matched the reviews I read online: boulders...

You got your MC license!! Now what? Tip for the ladies on finding 'the bike' for you!

First of all, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!  If you are reading this post, then you have most likely either signed up for  MC course or have gotten your license!!!!!!!  YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is no better feeling, right?? While more and more women are entering the motorcycle world, it can still feel very much like a 'man's world' when you are searching for a bike. We have ALL been where you are now - the nerves, the excitement, the feeling like you don't know what you are doing buying a motorcycle. You've GOT THIS!!!!! Everyone you ask will offer their opinions. No offense to the men out there who tried to help me figure out what bike to get, but the "typical" response that I got was, "You don't want a bike that is too big." "Don't get anything over ____cc."  "Stay away from ______ brand."  Etc.  (<-- men, don't go getting offended here. All the guys I talked to gave their advice with the best of intention, but being ...

Biker Bar Destination: Psycho Silo Saloon

   It seems so long ago now, but in recent weeks there really was WARM and SUNNY weather in the Midwest.  Not wanting to waste a perfectly good 2 days, I researched various places - and by research, I mean, I wrote down the city and the predicted forecast. And then narrowed down the options. Stopping at the Plywood Palace in northern WI is high on my list of stuff I want to see and experience. Just north of there is the US's biggest Apple. And just south of there is a 'Tornado Boat in Tree' - all quirky roadside attractions with the sole purpose of a laugh and a picture. My parents live in northern MN - seeing the weather prediction of highs in the upper 70's, in northern MN, in September - that's a rare occurrence. So at midnight the night before I was going to hop on the bike and roll out, I sent a text message to my dad and to Stiffy - laying out my half-assed idea and seeing if they would want to join in on the fun.  Stiffy was game, my dad was sound asleep ...

Twisty West Metro (of the Twin Cities) Loop - 140 Miles, 3.25 hours

Here's a fun Western Twin Cities Route that I like to take - it may not look like it, but there are some great curves and twists along this route. Google Maps just doesnt do it justice!  The route will take you through:  Minneapolis - Wayzata - Mound - Delano - Winsted - Howard Lake - Cokato - West Albion - Maple Lake - Monticello - Pelican Lake - St. Michael - Rogers - back to Minneapolis                                                  Approximately 140 miles; 3.25 hours of ride time 394-W turns into 12 W Take County Rd 15W exit from US-12W Merge onto County Rd 15/Shoreline Dr Turn Right onto Commerce Blvd/County Rd 110N (pass subway on the left) Left on Watertown Rd Right onto County Road 90 Left on Babcock Blvd/Hwy 12W Left on County Rd 30, in Delano, MN Follow this - there are some great sweepers just before County Rd 30 and Hwy 25 ...