
Showing posts from May, 2018

Random adventures photos from the week

Movie Date with the Bestie for Amy Schummers new flick  - which is amazing!  ProKart FUN!! DIY Bike stuff New Bar friends CRAZY bad allergies at my parents house in Northern MN But also crazy fun to be had on my dirtbike up there!                  Date with Dad Great day of riding with my Dad Beauty Up North My Riding Inspiration and biggest supporter! SPRING is here!  Everytime I see her stickers it makes me want t o add more! LOVE my bike!!

Last minute run around and time management fail

Once again I wait until the last minute to prep for a big adventure on the. Ike. I swear I’ll never learn. I did get the bike ready ahead of time 👏 but then ‘had extra time’ to Putz.. and well, the air filter is clean, gas tank back on, spark plugs are new, exhaust completely removed and put back on to hopefully stop that awful squeal of metal on metal... and she’s clean! Whores bath, but cleaner.  Didn’t start packing until midnight... then got distracted by needing ‘needing’ new music to jam to on the way. Something about ADD and the need for 2,000 songs to keep me entertained!! But- packed I am and off to bed for a solid almost 2 hours!! Meeting the crew at 5:45am for yet another iron butt attempt and hopefully success!! Why not, right?! I mean, Mississippi IS on the way to Indiana!!! Lol

May 5th - Cinco De Kentucky Derby

f   The Kentucky Derby -  From the majestic Churchill Downs venue, to the glamourous dresses and hats, to the people watching, the horse racing, and the fun filled atmosphere, it was truly an event to remember. Even with the record setting rain, it was awesome! I traded in my high heels for flip flops and conquered the weather with the best attitude possible, puddle jumping to and fro like a classy lady. People had left the area so quickly to find dry places to stand, that it was like a party ghost town. There were blankets, picnic baskets, chairs, bottles/cans, boxes, and even shoes scattered around the infield area. People were tearing apart cardboard for make-shift cover. The tunnels from the main building to the infield area were jammed shoulder to shoulder with damp, warm bodies, making sunglasses fog up immediately. The lines for the porta potties were mud bogs with people were helping one another stay upright while trying to walk in fancy shoes....

PINK day at Kentucky Derby!

 My Pinterest creation for the Derby RV ride  I came in second place.. not too bad for this wild horse!  Dorks  We spiff up quite nicely after a rowdy night of partying in the Derby Campground!  CHURCHILL DOWNS!!!!  Always make friends :)  Sights of Churchill Downs Pink Derby Day  And more friends!  #NotSunscreen :)   Infield tickets - so much fun people watching!    Now, which horse wants my money?!