
Showing posts from May, 2017

Texas Adventure Day 2

The next day we slept in a little - reloaded our gear into the bikes after drying everything out for a few hours and headed to the Texas Country to our friends - friends house. We were in the middle of nowhere Texas - down a REALLY long gravel driveway we rolled - up to a trailer house. I believe that the description by our friend prior was something like 'its a cute house - it fell off the trailer while moving but she's done a lot of great work to it". Wasn't sure what to expect. One thing I wasn't expecting was to open the front door of the house to see a king size bed in the living room. The house was decorated super cute - it was the little things that threw me for a little loop here and there. First, the bed, then the bungee cord contraption system in place to keep the back door shut. I am not good at mazes, which I knew. And this confirmed i am also not good at problem solving to get outside. Anyways - back to the point. We were going to chillax and BBQ an...

Texas weekend Road Trip 4/28/17 - 5/2/17: Day 1

After a couple of rough weeks on the work and home front, I just needed to get the heck out of dodge. Not really knowing where I wanted to go, I called my friend in Texas to see what she was doing in 1.5 weeks and she was surprisingly off of work all that weekend. So, that set into motion the plan of me riding down to visit and hang for a couple of days on a whim. Thankfully, my boss approved the last minute time off request. I met with  a friend to ride local one afternoon about a week prior, and mentioned Texas, her response: "I'm in!". As crazy as my ideas may be, I am lucky to almost always find someone to go with me! I was going to do it regardless, but having company along the way is nice. We took off on Friday morning at the ass crack of dawn - a balmy 27 degrees.  As we crossed into Iowa, the clouds were building and the skies were getting a bit gloomy looking. We stopped in Cedar Rapids to check the weather and sure enough, we were about to ride into a mas...

MN to Daytona Beach - in March. Day 2+

   FL 3/17/17 @ 10:50amFinally made it! 30 hours! We woke up not overly enthused about getting back on the bikes for another day of cold riding. Granted, it was in the 20's already, but.... Off we went determined to get to FL today! We didn't see another motorcycle until south of Nashville - weird! Of course that whole area of the country was under 'colder than normal' weather. We made it to Daytona Beach around noon on Friday, having left on Wednesday morning.  We made a stop at the Ironhorse Saloon to catch up with my Daytona friends - over the years of attending bike week, I have made some pretty great friends there! David Allen Coe was playing on stage, the sun was shining, the beer was cold, and life was GOOD! It *almost* made the trip worth it ;) NExt stop - We met up with The Boy's brother and cousin at the Speedway -to check out some vendors, see some bikes, and the boys toured the Speedway museum while I tried to find us somewhere t...