Cumberland Gap - Hike to Tri State Peak
Today was a great day exploring the Cumberland Gap area. We hiked the Tri State Peak trail located in the Cumberland Mountains where Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia all meet I never was much of a history buff- short facts is all I need to stay entertained, but I admit I learned a lot today about history in general in the area. To think that the Cumberland Gap was the main way to get from point A to point B, and that it was considered a relatively flat and easy way to get there, is crazy to me. Clearly, I am far lazier than those before me! Between 1760 and 1850, almost 300,000 people walked, rode, or were carried through the Cumberland Gap. The hike to Tri-State Peak is a moderate 2.4-mile out-and-back with quite an elevation gain. I had read that it was 0.6 miles one way. So when the sign said 1.2 miles, I assumed that meant round trip. Well, halfway up, there was a sign that said 0.6 miles to the peak. I guess math never was a strong talent of mine eithe...