9-19-17 Morierty NM to Amarillo TX
Hit the road from Moriarty NM towards eureka springs today. We were both super tired last night- so much so that we never left for dinner. We left the hotel this morning and our first stop was in Santa Rosa- to see the Blue Hole. Sounds boring but it's pretty cool- it's 80'+ deep and 60+/- feet wide. It's crystal clear water and almost always 61 degrees.
They have diving platforms and stair cases to jump off the cliffs into the hole. It's not warm enough yet when we arrived but on a scorching hot day it would be amazing!
And we saw a grown man in a bird costume because he 'is just traveling the old Route 66...
We stopped next to take a pic with the Route 66 sign- we were following it for several miles today. Check out the guy in the bird costume in the background!
Next up was a stop at the Texas border signs but traffic was heavy, and the winds were whopping us around with gusts upwards of 55+ mph so we didn't stop, though I did get a pic as we cruised on by. We stopped next st Cadillac ranch. I found it in the Road Tripper app of quirky things to see and do.
It was right off the freeway and you parked then walked into a field where there are old cadillacs 1/2 buried into the ground, the remaining half high in the air and covered with at least ten layers of spray paint. There are hundreds of spray paint cans laying around the cars and on the ground.
They have diving platforms and stair cases to jump off the cliffs into the hole. It's not warm enough yet when we arrived but on a scorching hot day it would be amazing!
And we saw a grown man in a bird costume because he 'is just traveling the old Route 66...
We stopped next to take a pic with the Route 66 sign- we were following it for several miles today. Check out the guy in the bird costume in the background!
Next up was a stop at the Texas border signs but traffic was heavy, and the winds were whopping us around with gusts upwards of 55+ mph so we didn't stop, though I did get a pic as we cruised on by. We stopped next st Cadillac ranch. I found it in the Road Tripper app of quirky things to see and do.
It was right off the freeway and you parked then walked into a field where there are old cadillacs 1/2 buried into the ground, the remaining half high in the air and covered with at least ten layers of spray paint. There are hundreds of spray paint cans laying around the cars and on the ground.
Winds shipping and tumblreeed hitting us hit the faces.. and hot and sun and bar and food and bed.
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