Cadillac Ranch - A quirky Texas roadside attraction
When going from Point A to Point B, with not a lot in between, Roadside Attraction is my favorite website to go to find quirky photo ops en route. That is how I stumbled upon Cadillac Ranch, near Amarillo, Texas. In the middle of a field, alongside a busy freeway, lies a brightly painted group of Cadillac's, face down. There are no signs indicating its existence. Blink, and you will surely miss it. We parked on the side of the gravel frontage road, walked thru the ditch, squeezed through old cattle gate (size matters - its a tight squeeze), towards the ever present spray paint fumes, through an old farm field, and thru a sea of paint cans as you reach the cars. (Spray Painting is encouraged)
A sea of cars and paint cans!
Each car has layers and layers of spray paint collected over the years. Each car is a unique masterpiece.
There's basically no rules at Cadillac Ranch - you can paint, you can use permanent marker, you can climb inside of the cars and on top of the cars.... Not one car had even a tiny area that wasn't painted or drawn on at least 100 times over.
View from the top!
Beyond Cadillac Ranch, haybales for miles!
We left our mark, broke up the monotony of the days ride, and are ready to continue on!
Next Stop: The Big Texan. I told you, size matters! That's a BIG heifer!
Can barely see the bikes behind her!
My very first Lone Star! The days' riding is done, time to relax!
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